No Native Pollinators


nature spring flower bee
Photo by Matthias Zomer on

Are you having an issue getting your vegetables to cross pollinate?  Or are you simply missing the sight of fluffy bumblebees and honeybees, or beautiful monarch butterflies in your yard?  These are just a few examples of pollinators that we are fortunate enough to call native to our area!  Pollinators provide us and our yards a plethora of benefits, so many people want to encourage them to visit their yards!

The primary reason that you may not have pollinators in your yard is simply that you are not providing them any habitat or food source.  A simple way to address this is by researching some plants that offer a food source to the pollinators.  There are many native plants that are both beautiful and provide food for many native animals, including pollinators! Many of these plants can also offer a place for the pollinators to rest and recover during their travels.  If you have a rain garden or are interested in building one, many plants that pollinators love can be incorporated!  You do not have to have a yard completely made up of native plants or other plants that attract pollinators; many people have a pollinator garden, and this is usually more than enough to attract them to a yard!


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